Nuclear Power Forever*

*for more years than you can count at least.

Interesting discussion of nuclear power as the climate change solution… Nuclear FAQ

The point I want to look at is the claim that there’s 220 million years worth of Uranium & Thorium for a 10 billion terrestrial population at US energy usage levels, in the top 4 Km of crust. Consider the erosion rate of the continental crust – some 7 gigatons per year. In 220 megayears some 1540 quadrillion tonnes of rock will have eroded into the sea – 570 quadrillion cubic metres at an average density of 2.7 tonnes/cu.metre, which on 150 trillion square metres of surface is a layer 3800 metres thick.

Thus, to get at the Uranium/Thorium we don’t have to mine anything but the oceans.

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